Contact Lenses Form

Patient Consent Form for Electronic Delivery of Contact Lens Prescription

*Please be aware trials provided at our office are for patients who order through our office only. We are not responsible for damaged/defective contacts from a 3 rd party *

I hereby consent to receive my contact lens prescription electronically. I understand that this electronic delivery is in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) rules, which requires the doctor to obtain consent for electronic transmission of prescriptions.

I understand that by providing my consent, I will receive my contact lens prescription via email, secure online portal or other electronic delivery method.
I have read and understood the information provided and consent to receive my contact lens prescription electronically.

Patient Name:
Date of Birth:
Patient or Guardian Signature:

Included below is important information to review prior to receiving your contact lens prescription:

  • Do not overwear contact lenses, wear them only as long as the doctor has prescribed. Dailies should only be worn once, bi-weekly for two weeks, and monthly for one month (the starting date is the date that the contact lenses are opened).

  • Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before touching or handling contact lenses to avoid getting bacteria in the eye or lens.

  • Disinfect the contact lenses with the correct contact lens solution before reusing or placing them back into the case.

  • Always have a pair of glasses to wear to give your eyes a break, as contact lenses are considered a foreign body and can aggravate the eye with overuse.

  • Immediately remove your contact lenses and wear your glasses if you are experiencing any pain, discomfort, sensitivity, or sudden blurriness, and call the office if the problem persists.

  • Proper contact lens care is crucial to avoid eye injuries including ulcers, loss of vision, and even blindness.

  • Schedule Routine Yearly Exams to keep the proper health of the eyes.

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Closed